Privacy policies

Privacy Policies

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how Genex Nursing Institute (hereinafter referred to as “GNI”, “we”, “us”, “our”) may collect, use, store, disclose or otherwise process your personal data including personal data provided when using our website (Genex Nursing Institute website) and describes the rights you have with respect to your personal data.

GNI is committed to providing the highest level of protection regarding the processing of their employees’, vendors’ and clients’/customers’ personal data based on applicable data protection laws and regulations.

Personal data comprises all the details that GNI collects and processes directly or indirectly about you as an individual, for instance information about your identity and contact details (such as name, email-ID, contact number), including information received from third parties and information collected through use of Genex Suptendu Group websites, cookies or other similar tools. GNI will first and foremost comply with local law where it exists.

Processing Personal Data

GNI may process your personal data where such relevant personally identifiable information is required to be processed for legitimate purposes as follows, but not limited to:

Processing applications for products and services;

Providing products and services; (It is not feasible for an organisation to provide product / service without processing)

Monitoring and improving our website and its content;

Conducting market research and surveys with the aim of improving our products and services;

Sending you information about our products and services for marketing purposes and promotions;

Complying with applicable local or foreign law, regulation, policy, voluntary codes, directive, judgement or court order, as well as any contractual obligation ursuant to agreements between GNI and any authority, regulator or enforcement agency or body or any request coming from said entities.

Establishing, exercising or defending legal rights in connection with legal proceedings (including any prospective legal proceedings) and seeking professional or legal advice in relation to such legal proceedings.

Surveillance of premises. (Video Recording)

GNI processes your personal data for the performance of the contracts/agreements concluded with you, compliance with applicable legal or regulatory obligations or GNI legitimate interests to provide you with adequate and qualitative products and services and to prevent against any excessive risk. Where providing the data is optional, and you choose not to share personal data, features like personalisation that use such data will not work for you.

Access to Personal Data

Your personal data processed by GNI will only be accessible by a limited list of recipients on a need to know basis or where required by law.

Our policy does not apply to third-party websites where our online advertisements are displayed, nor to linked third-party websites which we do not operate or control.

To the extent permitted by law, GNI may record and monitor your communications with GNI to ensure compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations and our internal policies.

Retention of Personal Information

Your personal data processed by GNI are kept in a form which permits your identification for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed in line with legal, regulatory or statutory obligations.

At the expiry of such periods, your personal data will be deleted or archived to comply with legal retention obligations or in accordance with applicable statutory limitation periods.

How to access and control your personal data?

Subject to applicable law, regulations and/or industry guidelines, you may have the right to invoke a data subject right in relation to your personal data being processed by GNI.

GNI may be allowed by law, in particular in case of excessive or manifestly unfounded request, to charge a fee for fulfilling your request, subject to applicable conditions.

GNI shall provide information on action taken on a request pertaining to the Data Subject Rights without undue delay and in any event within one month of receipt of the request. That period may be extended by two further months where necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of the requests.

GNI shall inform the data subject of any such extension within one month of receipt of the request, together with the reasons for the delay.

To invoke your data subject rights, please use the data subject right request form or send an email to data protection officer (for contact details refer to the last section of this policy).

Finally, note that you are entitled to lodge a complaint with a competent Data Protection Authority where existing, concerning GNI’s compliance with the applicable data protection laws and regulation.


The security and confidentiality of your Personal Data is important to us and GNI  has invested significant resources to protect the safekeeping and confidentiality of your personal data. When using external service providers acting as processors, we require that they adhere to the same standards as GNI. Regardless of where your personal information is transferred or stored, we take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that personal data is kept secure.

Social Media

GNI operates channels, pages and accounts on some social media sites to inform, assist and engage with employees, vendors, clients/customers and other stakeholders. GNI monitors and records comments and posts made on these channels about GNI in order to improve its products and services.

Please note that you must not communicate to GNI through such social media sites the following information:

confidential personal data, including any information regarding your financial situation, bank account details, transactions, etc.

sensitive personal data including (i) special categories of personal data meaning any information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation and (ii) other sensitive personal data such as criminal convictions and offences and national identification number; and

excessive, inappropriate, offensive or insulting information towards individuals.

GNI is not responsible for any information posted on those sites other than the information posted by its employees on its behalf. GNI is only responsible for its own use of the personal data received through such sites.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

GNI may in its absolute discretion update this policy from time to time.

The use of the GNI Websites and any products and services supplied are subject to our Terms and Conditions.

Who to Contact

If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy or the protection of your personal data, you may reach out to 

E Mail:

MOB: 091 – 8335083933 / 8100613849

Address: Village Mulkathi, Post: Machkhanda, Police Station: Raina-1, Dist: Purba Bardwan, State: West Bengal, India, PIN – 713101.
